

Hi, I’m Alana

I am an intuitive Spiritual Healer and Reiki Practitioner with a solid foundation in science. My career has focused on clinical research, and my innate curiosity and analytical mind, combined with my passion for helping people and my desire to make a difference in the world, have led me along this path of evolution. Learn more about me >

I work with a diverse range of people across all ages and denominations, including men, women, individuals from the IDAHOBIT community, young children, teens, adults, and the elderly. Learn more about who I work with >

If you are wondering how we can work together, please reach out to discuss your individual needs. All sessions can also be offered online as distance healing sessions. Learn more about my sessions >

I help you awaken to who you are

I offer you the chance to tap into the truth of who you are and remember the divine being that you always have been, but that you may feel disconnected from.

I am here to offer you new experiences that enrich your life and reconnect you to your true self. I will create a safe space for you to be you, in your own unique way, so that you can feel connected with yourself and connect with others as your authentic self.

This is Chrysalis Awakenings and this is awakening to you who are.


After receiving my first spiritual healing in 2014, I grappled with understanding how it was possible. How could someone offer me so much about myself that I could not perceive? Yet I knew, deep down in my being, that all of it was true. Tapping into this part of me was healing, and so my journey of bringing these two powerful aspects of life, SCIENCE and SPIRITUALITY, together began.



I believe we all have the innate power and ability to tune into who we are at our fullest potential and create our own path and reality. We have been conditioned to forget our inner essence and knowing, in a society that focuses on all that is external to us as a measure of our worth, be it what we do, what we have, or what roles we play.

It’s time to tune back in and remember who we truly are. To know that there is no measure of our success, other than who we are in the core of our being in each moment of our existence.

I believe reconnecting with ourselves is the foundation to a world that supports each other, is connected, caring, loving and harmonious. As we shift ourselves, and remember who we are, we impact the whole.

That is my mission.


I work with a diverse range of people across all ages and denominations, including:

  • men
  • women
  • young children
  • teens
  • adults
  • the elderly

Many adults come to see me when they are feeling lost, disconnected from their true self and struggling to find their purpose. This can be after a major life transition such as a career change, retirement, relationship break-up, or health issues, but it can also be from a general discontent in their life.

I also see many people who are suffering from chronic illness and am part of their ongoing holistic self-care strategy that aligns with their medical treatment. Many people seek healing to support their cancer journey or as an alternative model of support when there are no other options available in Western Medicine. 

Children and teens come to see me for many reasons including anxiety, social issues, school refusal, ADHD and Autism, and ongoing health complaints with no apparent medical cause. In these sessions parents often report that they provide a greater understanding regarding the emotional, mental and energetic state of the child/teen that helps the entire family see the current situation in an entirely new way. 

Ways To Work With Me


Group sessions are a powerful way to connect, share and explore.

They are primarily aligned with and focus on current energy cycles, such as equinox, solstice, and eclipses. Group sessions have an individual and collective focus. As we explore aspects of ourselves and share them in a safe, supporting and non-judgemental environment, we create the potential to connect in a meaningful, open and trusting way with others, that truly creates community and shifts our reality.

Private one-to-one

These intuitive guided energy healing sessions focus on your individual needs and the reason you have been called to healing. These are delivered online and in-person.

Healing is returning to the wholeness of who you are. It can be physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. If you are feeling disconnected, misaligned, stuck or just need space to tune into creating something new in your life, this is a great place to start.


Online options

I offer a range of sessions online for convenience and connection.

These include private one-on-one distance healing sessions, group healings and Circles, as well as deeper exploratory sessions that allow a group to regularly connect weekly for four weeks from the comfort of their own home.

Alana is the real deal and my healing guide. I will always have her in my heart as she showed me the way. This was my experience that put me on the right path FINALLY!

Peace and Love Alana as you are my connection to the love and light I possess.

— Patrick

What To Expect

Where to start….

There is no one way or right way to begin your journey of working with me. Explore what is on offer here and feel into the experience that sparks interest in you. Reserve judgement of yourself and step forth using your feeling as a guide. Newness, change, and exploration creates a feeling of eager anticipation, nervousness and excitement all at the same time. Choose and see what happens, knowing and trusting you to find your way to what you need when you need it…

Your session with me…

It is my mission to hold the space for you to share what you need to share to heal. This means we create a safe and sacred space for your healing session. You are free to turn up as you are and share what you need to share to get the most out of your session. Everything is confidental and we work together in the way that works best for you on the day.

A session will begin with an explanation of how I work, what energy healing is, and the healing modalities I may be guided to use in the session. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, and when you feel these have been answered to satisfaction you will sign a consent form.

Sessions usually occur on a massage table with you lying on your back, head on a pillow, knees supported and being tucked in to keep warm.  You are welcome to ask questions during the session, although many people say they drop into a deep mediative and relaxed state. At the end of the session we discuss any questions you may have. At times you may be given advice on particular practices to include in your daily life.

At times, particuarly for young children, these sessions may be seated or performed while the child is playing, reading or engaging in another activity of their choice.  All parents or guardians are required to sign consent for their child.

A few days after your session I will contact you to see how you have been feeling since the healing and to address any additional questions you may have or anything that has arisen in your life since the healing.

I do not prescribe a set number of sessions, follow up sessions or a required timeframe to see me again, as every single person has an individual healing journey. For me healing is empowerment and this comes from helping you to understand what you need, which means you will know when you are ready to see me again.


Working as a group….

The power of working together as a group in sacred ceremony is founded in remembering that humanity is a living system and we are connected with each other.

Group sessions are open to all demoninations unless otherwise stated, as there is a dedicated Women’s Circle for Day of the Goddess.

All group session are a safe, non-judgemental, and inclusive space for us to work together. We gather in a circle with an altar that supports the energy of our session. We set intentions and work together on creating our lives, focusing on our healing, and bringing in a vision of hope for our future. The delivery of the session is guided by me and there are often opportunities for voluntary sharing.

These are moments in our lives that are not to be missed. For many it is a healing of the wounded sisterhood, a healing of the divine feminine and divine masculine and a way to remember our connecting with the planet.

For me it is about creating community and the type of connection I want to see on the planet, and bring into the future for my children and my children’s children.

Your Journey…..

There is no one path for the evolution of all the beings on this planet, but there are pillars of mastery that allow us to form a solid foundation for finding our true alignment and strength to navigate our world. I offer what I have experienced in my own evolution, as a series of pillars called The Journey. Mind, Heart and Intuition are the foundations of mastery that I traversed to find my path and my purpose. These are on offer here, when you feel guided to step into your power.

These sessions are weekly sessions for four weeks that allow us to observe, understand and then heal these aspects of ourselves – Mind, Heart, Intuition. These can be done as individual sessions, small group or online.

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