
The Journey

The path starts here…

The Journey is an offer for you to explore your full potential in a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive environment. The program is based on my own personal journey of self-discovery, which led me to view the path to true understanding of who I am through the exploration of my Mind, Heart, and Intuition.


The Journey is observing, understanding, and then acting from the awareness of your Mind, Heart and Intuition. These are the pillars that leads to Mastery of the Self. Mastery is an energy, a space, where you no longer feel thrown around by the chaos of what is occurring external to you, as you feel the stillness of your own truth.

Each pillar consists of four 1.5-hour sessions on consecutive weeks. You must complete Master Your Mind before completing any of the other programs, as understanding your mind state is the key to embracing the other parts of the program.

There is no timeframe for when the series need to be completed. These are not tasks for you to ‘do’ and complete to reach an end goal. The Journey provides information, tools, and practical examples for you to implement in your life, now and forever. When you feel you are feel ready you can move onto the next part of your Journey.

Awaken to your Life Path

We all feel at some point in our lives that there must be a path or ‘something’ I am here to follow, to create, to experience. We try and find the purpose of our lives, our place in the world, and we spend time searching for it.

The key to finding our life path, is in fact first going within. We each hold the keys to our inner being, our gifts, our talents, and our needs. When we move past the conditioning and distraction of all that is around us, we can shed the layers that have prevented us from seeing our true nature, our true way of being. It is this path that makes up The Journey. It is this path that awakens you to all that you are and all you can be. It is not about the destination. It is about the exploration and experience of being free to be you, and ‘Awaken your life path’.

Start the Journey when you feel the call to explore… You will know when.

Master Your Mind

Group Sessions

This first pillar is an exploration of your mind, an inquiry into your mind, to observer and understand your mind, its triggers, thoughts, beliefs, and tools to manage your mind.

By the end of week four attendees will have awareness the role their mind plays in their life and be familiar with tools that work for them to shift perspectives and quieten their mind.


Time: 4 x 90mins 
Investment $280

Open Your Heart

Group Sessions

This pillar takes you on a journey to understand your emotional body, reconnect with your feelings and move past fears to feel more connected in your heart, the seat of your soul.

It involves reconnecting with your inner child and deep emotional healing to awaken the power of good feelings that exist in all of us, that lead us to a life of greater joy and happiness.


Time: 4 x 90mins
Investment $280

Tune into Your Intuition

Group Sessions

This pillar allows you to reconnect with your intuition. It helps you understand your relationship with your inner knowing.

By the end of week four attendees will have a greater sense of their inner knowing and will have expanded their intuitive guidance. They will be familiar with the tools that allow them to tap into their inner guidance and gain confidence in trusting their innate wisdom.


Time: 4 x 90mins 
Investment $280

Your Path, Your Power

Group Sessions

The final pillar focuses on a deep exploration of who you are in this lifetime, and what you are called to do.

By the end of week four attendees will have developed awareness of their innate gifts and talents, passions and desires, as well as skills and abilities. These will provide a clearer picture of your next steps and direction of your life.


Time:4 x 90mins
Investment $280

Other Sessions

how to choose the offering you need today

There is no right or wrong way for you to discover what you need. There is only exploration. Exploration of what is available and what you are called to. The calling resides in the heart. Feel into the direction of the sessions on offer. Which one draws you forward? If you feel the call, follow it. The heart leads us to wher ewe feel good, the mind thinks its way there. Feeling is the superpower. It’s our path to finding ourselves and finding happiness.




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